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"This was originally going to be a test run but it turned out SO good that I had to share it with you because I think it's the perfect DIY for a brooch bouquet!
Must have: green pipe cleaners (77 cents a pack), floral wire (MUST have), and hot glue! The cherished hot glue :)
Hot glue your pin shut because you don't want it popping open later. BTW -- I also bought pretty jewelry pieces (not brooches), and just hot glued a brooch-backing on them. You can buy a pack of the things that secure a brooch at any craft store for pretty cheap.
Then bend your pipe cleaner in half (evenly) and slide it behind the brooch securer.
Then take one of the sides and make a knot around the brooch securer.
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If you'd like (to feel secure) you can dab some hot glue on the brooch and knot. After that, take your floral wire and divide it in half like your pipe cleaner.
Bend the tip that will slide into the brooch like so...
Slide it in, then take a stem from the pipe cleaner and tie a knot around the loop.
Hot glue those suckers! Remember, this is your BASE. It will support the brooch to stand upright like a flower.
So now that you have that glued, you should have two long floral wires and twoshorter pipe cleaners. You will take BOTH pipe cleaners and begin to wrap it AROUND the 2 floral wires like so..
And your final product should look like this:
Ta-da! A strongly supported, upright brooch with a stem! With some help from family, you end up with these!!
We're not done yet, but I wanted to pull them together to give you an idea of what it kind of looks like...
I will be wrapping it with a teal cloth, and clearly do a better job than this."
by Ale at
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